Friday, September 7, 2012

Paper Stores, Part 1 - Papyrus

A little while back, Susie posted about a Dutch paper goods shop that she had ordered a few cute things from. I lamented that there were so many pretty things but I couldn't read anything on the site... so Susie suggested an exchange. She would order the items I liked for me, and in return, I would send her a surprise package of paper goods from here. Best idea ever!! Despite being so busy it isn't even funny, I told Jacob nearly every day that I wanted to go to the paper stores in the University Village. After weeks of wearing him down, we finally went! Haha. Spontaneously made a date of it, going to one of our favorite restaurants there and of course visiting my favorite cupcake shop.

The University Village now boasts not just one, or two... but three paper goods stores. Win! We visited all three, of course. First stop: Papyrus.

Now, I've definitely seen Papyrus all over the United States (and looking at their website, in Canada as well), so it's no small mom and pop store. My favorite part of Papyrus is usually the gift wrap section. Look at that immaculate display!

However, Papyrus is really more of a card store than anything else. Greeting cards galore!

Found this adorable card and just had to take a picture. How cute is this?

In the end, I didn't get anything from Papyrus, but it's always a fun place to look around!

Do you like going to paper stores? I'll admit that I also bought a few presents for myself... The fun thing about paper stores is that you can usually get a few little things without breaking the bank. Stay tuned - I'll post about the other two paper stores soon!


  1. Oh goodness, do you live in my beloved Seattle? Your photos are lovely and make me homesick. Thank you!

    1. Ahh yes!! I am a Seattleite indeed. =) PNW love! <3

  2. I love all those happy colors :)
    awesome post!

    1. Aw thanks! I loved the colors as well! =)


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