Monday, September 17, 2012

Paper Stores, Part 2 - Paper Source

Last week, I posted part one of my epic paper store outing at the University Village with Jacob! Paper Source was the second of the three stores and it was definitely my favorite. Found lots of goodies for my exchange with Susie here and I really wish I could post a picture of all the cuteness, but I want it to be a surprise for her! I took pics though so once she gets her package I'll share it here!

Absolutely love the saying on the wall. Due to the placement of the lighting, I couldn't get a better picture... but really. Do Something Creative Every Day? That should be my life motto.

Things I love: pretty paper! These might actually have been intended as wrapping paper... I'm not entirely sure. But I do know that as much as I love really pretty wrapping paper, I never use it for the intended purpose. It's just too pretty!

The store was filled with uber cute things! Owl mugs, journals, printed file folders, calendars, notepads... pretty much any paper good your heart could desire and then some.

Things I need (and yes I'm already thinking about it in September): a pretty 2013 planner. I'd get the Papaya owl one below if it was less pricey. Well, I am still contemplating getting it...

For anyone who hasn't been to a Paper Source, they really encourage creativity. In addition to having all the necessary supplies, their employees often do paper projects like cardmaking. You can see their beautiful results all around the store. What a great idea - gives the employees a chance to exercise their creativity and gives customers ideas on how they can use the supplies at the store! Love it. They even hold some craft classes in the store.

Ready to head to the nearest Paper Source yet? Heh. I did also treat myself to a few pretty items from the store... you'll see that in the paper store finale, part three!

P.S. If you don't have a Paper Source near you, they do have an online shop!


  1. ahhhh we LOVE Paper Source!! Sooooo much goodness in one place!! And a few years ago we were beyond psyched when we opened up our email to find that our Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake journals were one of their top picks for graduation gifts! :) So FUN to see!

    That gold glitter wrapping paper has me light headed....NEEEED!!!


    1. Oh that is SO cool (and not surprising) that a.) you had a journal at Paper Source and b.) it made it to a top pick!!

      Hehe, don't even tell me about glitter wrapping paper... well glitter anything there. Jacob literally had to drag me away so I wouldn't buy it all! "Glitter! Don't look!" (which of course tends to have the opposite result)

  2. Anonymous9/17/2012

    This looks like my dream shop! Amazing :) x

  3. OMG i want that blue owl mug in a major way. cutest thing ever! that entire store truly looks wonderful though, i love places like that :)

    1. Hehe yeah THAT MUG. If I didn't have a bazillion mugs already, I would have gotten the blue owl!

  4. Ah, that shop is so adorable. Why do we not have this in the UK? Oh man.

    1. Hehe, that's the cool and frustrating thing about reading blogs. I frequently say that about shops/events blogged about that are located in different U.S. cities or countries!

      Guess you'll just have to visit!

  5. I love this! So much cute stuff! Sadly, I don't think we have a Paper Source anywhere near my city :( I think I would want to buy *a lot* of that pretty paper.


    1. Aw man, that's too bad! But probably better for your wallet... haha. =)

  6. wow! wow! wow! heee. this is heaven!!! =))))
    Anyway, I hope you could visit my blog too and follow. :))

    Raellarina- The Ballerina on Fire

    1. Indeed it is heavenly! I'll check out your blog! =)

  7. oh my god! this is wonderful! (your blog actually is, too,I and the little pink-loving girl inside me just discoverd you!) all the paper, the owls... there's even Boo there! can't wait for the next pictures^.^
    do you know wether they have an online shop? I live in Germany, so far away...

    1. Thanks, Penny!

      I should have linked this earlier but didn't think to - you're right! They do have an online shop here:

      Not sure if they ship internationally but I'm thinking they probably do!

  8. Paper source is SUCH a blast! :)

    1. Agreed! This is really making me want to go back!

  9. I love the Paper Source. I always feel so inspired whenever I go.

    <3 Melissa

    1. Me too - last time I was there, one of the ladies working at the store showed me a cute and simple card she made with this pack of pretty papers... I ended up buying one. Haha. Guess her sales pitch worked!

  10. i always look at paper source online i didnt know there was a store!! ahhhhhh

    1. Yup they have quite a few locations!

  11. Paper Source looks like heaven!!
    Whenever I visit the U.S. I can't stay away from Michaels (AKA Boyfriend hell - haha) Best craft store ever!!!

    1. HAHA boyfriend hell, how accurate! I do love Michaels - such a great store!

  12. I think I could get lost in there for hours!! :)


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