Monday, September 3, 2012

Hike - Rattlesnake Ridge

Happy Labor Day to everyone in the U.S.!

I'll admit that I currently have a huge backlog of pictures that haven't made it to posts yet... but I'm working on it. So... these are from May. We spent the weekend packing. I thought a hiking post would be fitting for this holiday weekend!

A group of us decided to hike up Rattlesnake Ridge, which promised a gorgeous lake view as a reward. Off we went!

The trail offered us a little peek of the lake on the way up.

Love this view. It's so very Pacific Northwest - majestic evergreens and those perpetual snow-capped mountains in the distance.

At the top! The lake in all of its glory. Of course, my companions chose to tell me about the hiker who died this year falling off the ridge while we were hiking up. Definitely a place to exercise caution.

And, of course, they check out the vast expanse of greenery.

What did you do for Labor Day weekend? Did you go camping or hiking?


  1. Wow!
    It looks so beautiful!
    We lived in California for 2 months a few years ago and one thing I miss so much is hiking in the hills!
    Such an amazing thing to do1st thing in the morning :)

  2. thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! there is sooo much pink on your blog hehe. xo i love it!


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