Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy birthday, Mom! Man, you're getting old now. Just kidding!!! According to facebook, you've moved on from Berlin and are now in Amsterdam, for which I am eternally jealous. But I'm glad you're out celebrating! I could go on and on about all the reasons why you rock, but let's just say you're pretty much the best mom anyone could ask for. Here's a little flashback to two winters ago... maybe we should go to the Caribbean again. Just sayin'.

It was also that same trip where I convinced you to be the horse sculpture's twin at the Mardi Gras Museum in Nola. Hehehe. This is just one of the reasons you're awesome.

Excited to see you when you get back from your trip! Since I can't say it in person or via phone at the moment, I thought I'd share your birthday wishes here. Happy birthday, Dudette.

Love, Kels


  1. cute! you two look like sisters, kelsea!
    belated happy birthday to your mom! :)

    1. I'm sure my mom will appreciate reading that! ;)

    2. You bet I appreciate it :=). Thank you Kels for the lovely blog. I am having a great time touring Berlin and Amsterdam. Everywhere we visit, I tell dad that Kelsea would love this place!! Someday we should travel to Europe together!!

    3. Hah, bring me next time then! =)

    4. Anonymous9/17/2012

      Me too! ;o)

  2. Anonymous9/17/2012

    No way! It was my mums birthday that day too :O x


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