Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Red, Black, and Bubbles - Outfit

Stepping cautiously. Heels and pebbles are not always friends.

Crazy hair! It was a little windy and out of control that day.

The literal version of tree-hugging. This is the Pacific Northwest, after all.

Photography by Jacob
Shirt - Express
Skirt - Gift from my parents; purchased from a market in Spain
Heels - Guess
Necklace - Kuma Craft, purchased from Shana Logic

Jacob helped me take some outfit photos last Saturday. And yes, my mom brought that skirt back for me from Spain. Exactly my style. I bought the adorable red panda necklace from Shana Logic last year and finally had a chance to wear it. Red and black has always been one of my favorite color combinations, so expect to see more of it!


  1. yahh go pink dip dye... check out mine and follow?

    1. Visited your blog - love the pink dip dye. It looks great!

  2. U are rockin this outfit!



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