Friday, June 15, 2012

The Next Step in My Fitness Plan is to...

Someone at my company (not sure whose job it is) posts a survey question on our intranet page that is updated every few weeks. This time, the survey was "The Next Step in My Fitness Plan is to..." with some generic choices, along with an option to write in your own answer. Let me tell you, people get creative.
A smattering of my personal favorite responses:

The Next Step in My Fitness Plan is to...
Begin competitive eating, except in the privacy of my own home.
Get my belly button closer to my spine.
Lay on an air mattress in the pool and paddle around vigorously with my arms.
Incorporate squats every time I brush my teeth. 4 min of non-stop a day could help!
What are these hoo-man words, feetness plaan?
Fight two lions.
To only eat healthy things. Healthy cows, pigs, chickens…
The old fashioned way. Become a zombie and have the weight rot off.
Eat more butter so the rest of the calories will slip off!
Stop stealing candy from other departments.
Flex with my shirt off in front of every mirror I come across.
Wait! What departments have candy?
Stop participating in team potlucks.
Let people from other departments steal my candy instead of putting it away at night – yes I know who you are!!!
Run faster when stealing candy from other departments.
Walk the treacherous terrain from Rivendale to Mordor and throw the one ring into the fires of Mount Doom. Who’s with me?
^^Smeagle. The whole time, he’s with you.
Challenge [CEO] to an arm wrestling contest

Somehow, I get the feeling some of these strategies may not be effective, although walking to Mordor would probably be a pretty good workout. Don't forget, though....

Screenshot is mine, Easter egg source here

Do you have any summer fitness goals? Other than the hiking, the next step in the fitness department for me is pretty much to start thinking of goals... Some tennis this summer, hopefully. You could always participate in one of these events... is this enough motivation for you to run?

Fitness + ultimate test of survival skills. My friend Zoe signed up, and I will make sure she guest blogs about it!


  1. well... there's actually been a few times when i regretted a workout ;) hungoverness being one of those factors :P

    1. Haha I could see that being a problem!

  2. Just found your blog, I love it! Heard the zombie runs are a blast!


    1. Thanks, Carly! I'm a little afraid to try one! I will probably go watch my friend get chased by zombies at the event this year... and we'll see about next year!

      P.S. Love your blog name!

  3. I love reading the responses, they are just hilarious esp this one: To only eat healthy things. Healthy cows, pigs, chickens…

    1. Indeed! Who knew I worked with such creative people?

  4. your colleagues sound pretty nuts. "To only eat healthy things. Healthy cows, pigs, chickens…" I still can't stop laughing because of this. give this person a high five for me, will you? haha!

    1. Haha I wish I knew who wrote all of these! I would totally go befriend them! =)

  5. Eat more butter so the rest of the calories will slip off!

    i wish the world worked by this sort of logic


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