Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friends Float Together Tee + Kitties!

Yep, another outfit post featuring an adorable Newbreed Girl t-shirt! I posted the last one in early July. This one cracked me up so much when I first saw it... alright, not going to lie. It still cracks me up every time. Yes, it's true. Real friends float together!!

I wish I could say I had photo scenery this beautiful for every time I took outfit pictures, but this is from Jacob's parents' gorgeous backyard. He has quite a few family members with woodworking talents, including his dad, who made the swing set.

And... just like last time, Clark the kitty popped in to say hello! His brother, Lewis, was nowhere to be found, as usual. Cats crack me up. Clark is such an attention-monger ("How come people are taking pictures of HER? Take one of me too - I want to be famous!"). He actually snuck into two pictures... can you spot the kitty? Lewis is a lot more independent and anti-social (he disappears for most of the day and reappears right around dinner time - makes sense to me).

Thanks again, Newbreed Girl!!


  1. Hehe, that tee is awesome. And such a fluffy cat! I wish I had a swingset like that.

    1. Thanks! Hah yeah both cat and swing set are awesome!

  2. Anonymous8/05/2012

    You look hot!

    1. Jacob, sign your comments or it's sketchy!

  3. amazing backyard! definitely perfect for photoshoots! :)

    1. Isn't it? Too bad it's not mine! Well, I would be too lazy to take care of it anyway... =)

  4. Adorable tee, and love your fluffy kitty! :]

    Oh, and BTW . . . I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, if you'd like it! :] Drop by my page to find the rules and award button! Congrats!

    1. Aw, thanks, Sarah - I appreciate it! =)

      I wish it was my fluffy kitty... it belongs to my boyfriend's parents. Well actually I don't really, because I'm severely allergic, but they are adorable. It bothered Clark the whole time that I wouldn't pet him. Sorry dude! Hehe.

  5. 1. your hair is siiiick! 2. i used to have a cat named Clark too :D Clark and Kent


    1. Thank you! Haha, that's awesome about your cat names. =)

  6. Thanks, Miss Iffa! I really appreciate that. =) I will go check out your blog now!


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