As part of my usual hop around blog land, I stopped by Elycia's blog and read her sponsor post. I visited several of the sponsors, including Daisy of BouxWho. And I was immediately struck by a gorgeous portrait she did of another blogger. I absolutely had to have one! So I commissioned a portrait of my own from Daisy based on some of the photos from my balloon photoshoots (1, 2). She was super fast, sending me the portrait the next day. I don't even know what else to say about it except... look how cool it is!!
If you want a portrait of your own, you can contact Daisy. I checked out her portfolio and she also does other types of artwork/illustration. Very well, I might add. =)
I'm so happy with how this turned out! How cute is Daisy's style? Yep, new profile picture!
P.S. I'm wearing my new dress that Jacob got me as one of my birthday presents. It arrived yesterday and it is THE CUTEST THING. I had a hectic, exhausting day at work and was in an iffy mood, but as soon as I put this on, I just had a huge smile on my face. Unveiling soon!
This looks awesome!